Monday, June 16, 2008

Great Grandma Blanche and my Grandpa Snell

This is my Great Grandma Blanche Snell Swenson with my Grandpa Swenson in his blessing clothes. Right before we sold the old house, we went thru it and found a treasure trove of old pictures. I scanned them all in and a couple of months before he ended up dying, I went to my grandparents house and got the stories behind the pictures and the names of the people. It was one of the best days ever.
I've been really lucky because I've known so many of my great grandparents, five of them. But my Grandma Blanche was the only one on my dad's side that I never knew because she died while my dad was on his mission. But after spending that night with my grandpa, I learned so much and left feeling like I knew her.


courtney said...

this is beautiful--i'd love to see all those scanned photos. we should talk about some family archive sharing...

Vanessa Swenson said...

I've actually got some pretty cool stuff. yes. we need to archive share. I've got some video thingies that I've been working on.